In acquiring an income producing property, it is important to understand what risks are associated with the investment before you close. Experienced buyers typically conduct their own due diligence in order to identify and...
Resources & Blog
Representing the Fiduciary
March 21, 2022
At some point in your life, you may find yourself appointed into a fiduciary position such as an agent under a Durable Power of Attorney or a health care representative in someone’s advanced directives. You may be named as...
What Does a Conservator Do?
March 10, 2022
A conservator is a person that the Probate Court may appoint to manage either the personal affairs or financial matters of an adult person. The appointment of a conservator may be voluntary or involuntary. A voluntary...
Investigating Baby Formula Concerns
February 19, 2022
Class Actions
Attorneys at Brown, Paindiris & Scott, LLP are investigating issues with baby formula on two fronts. First, the FDA announced yesterday that Abbott, makers of Similac, Alimentum, and EleCare powdered infant formulas...
How much of my sentence will I actually have to serve? Parole Eligibility in Connecticut
January 21, 2022
Criminal Defense
Depending on a host of factors and circumstances, in some criminal cases the State’s Attorney’s Office makes a criminal defendant an offer to resolve their criminal case that involves serving a period of incarceration....